Martha, Traci, Dianne, Liz, Me (Linda)
No idea wherethis was, but the date was 1975. From the far left...
Roger, Liz, Martha, me, Tim with Ron behind him, Karen, Traci 1978
back row: Tim, Liz, me, Mar, Ron
middle row: Roger, Terra? Traci, Karen
front row: Dianne? Phil? 1974
back row:
back rown: Endre, Peg, Russ, Phil, Adena, Liz, Martha, Karen, Carole, Ralph, Bonnie, Ken
front row: me, Ron, Tim, Kath, Traci, Grandma, Roger, Grandpa, Aunt Janet, Rich, Mark
Years ago, my Aunt Kath sent me a great letter which included many old photos scanned on to one sheet. I carefully scanned each one into an individual file and thought I'd share some of them with you. This was an especially treasured letter as all of our old family photos burnt in a house file more than 25 years ago. The quality is poor, but the memories are dear....
Want to hear something funny? For some reason I have my dress from Aunt Kath's wedding!! Great pictures, Lin. I can still vividly remember those fun, fun days!
A. Kath has your dress (at her Mother-in-law's) that I sent for Denise to wear years ago. She's going to bring it home for Susanna when they go in April.
(Mar, I think Stephen would look kinda funny in yours.)
Unfortunately, Ron and Tim's vests also burned in our house fire. I can just imagine Ron's boys in those vests...years ago...since they're too big now.
Those pictures sure brought back many memories!
Where's my dress? And who is the poor kid in the yellow shirt we are tourturing in the last picture?
I think the poor kid was Dianne! Wow. Look how skinny I was!
For some reason, I can't stop laughing that we were swinging Dianne like this! Where were our parents? We were probably babysitting! Wait, who took the picture? So this is how we entertained ourselves before there were video games!
We'd better not start on the "Where were the parents?" stories, come to think of it...
Well, this was obviously at the Grandparents' place (note the stone wall in the background). It's a wonder we didn't whack her head on that wall! But I WILL question ... where were the parents?!?! They were probably standing by the kitchen window laughing at us and wondering when we WOULD whack Dianne into that wall! Ron must have taken the picture because otherwise he would have been in there pushing the poor kid even harder. :)
I don't think I ever got so many comments on one blog! Yeah, I think that's Dianne (we're all wearing the same clothing as in that other that Dianne or Terra in the yellow shirt? Somehow, I don't imagine we'd've been allowed to do that to Terra...) -- and no, Ron probably wouldn't have been around even if he wanted to....those were the "Ronnie the Wolf" days, remember? He'd go running away cuz we'd call him that when we didn't want him around? Someone... post more old photos!
In defense of the parents:(Multiple choice)
a. We were probably laughing at you kids having so much fun
b. We were in the big bedroom reminiscing about our days as kids
c. We were all praying you wouldn't seriously hurt each other
d. We chose NOT to interfer because sometimes parents DON'T really want to know what their kids are in to or up to.
e. listening to our parents telling us to let the kids have some fun
f. all of the above
Love you all!
I loved all these comments! I had to laugh at the fun you guys had then and the "olden days" memories you have now. Peg has some comments at the bottom, but if that kid really IS Dianne, I think this Mom was on her way out of the house to stop you guys from jiggling her so much she would puke, or, like you said, smash her head into the wall, or even drop her! Oh, my. How you could have hurt her.
Thanks for sharing the memories and the fun and laughs for this morning!
And, yes, when I saw all the comments for this blog, I had to read through them, too. Love you all.
Assuming that I am the "poor kid" being so horribly tortured - how could you all be so mean to me?:) Actually as I was talking to Liz today about it, I thought the picture was kind of funny and I figured that it is probably something that my own kids would and probably will do to someone else someday!
who is gabriel? (other than Karen's son) -- is this really you, Dianne????? Gabi wasn't around when this photo was take! And I realized I have Dianne named as one of A.Kath's flower girls, but that is actually Karen!
for Gram Schley: I wasn't too concened about the kid being swung by the bigger girls...probably because mine was one of the "swingers" not the "swingee". otherwise, I might have been rushing out to stop the fun.
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