Thursday, June 12, 2008

Friday, June 13


It's my birthday! And I share it with a wonderful lady, my Aunt Carole. It probably wasn't my mom's intention to give such a fantastic gift to her younger sister, but she got one of the best presents 41 years ago...a cute niece! Mom missed gifting her youngest sister, Kath, with a cute niece by just a day....hope you had a great birthday yesterday, Aunt Kath, I love you!

Aunt Carole, I love you and hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Birth day

Age 1

Age 2

Age 3


Anonymous said...

What an awesome group of family having birthdays so close together! I love you all and continue to ask God's blessings on each one of you.
41 years ago seems just like "yesterday" to me. You grew up so fast! But I'm thankful for you and your family.

GramS said...

Hi, Lin,
It sounds like you had more time to enjoy your birthday than I did. As you get older, I think you get busier, and you don't quite think of it as such a special day. However, you were in my heart and prayers all day, and I thought of calling several times to tell you Happy Birthday. It'll have to be late, that's all. Grandma always said we don't have to do dishes on our birthday, but guess what? I had to.
Hope you enjoy the blessings of today! Love, Aunt Carole

LindaSue said...

I refused to do the dishes on my birthday. Of course, no one else did them either, so they just piled up....and I did them on Saturday! But...I didn't do dishes on my birthday!