Yes, we are again in the midst of a winter storm warning. And the forecast continues to get worse each hour. Heavy snow, at times zero visibility, blowing and drifting, 7 to 9 inches (as of the current forecast) by morning. Light snow tomorrow morning, 12-17 inches potential accumulation.
The snow is beautiful, though. It's those huge, fluffy flakes that look like paper snow flakes. And it's beautifully white. And covering everything. Again.
Did I mention I have a huge Watkins open house in town tomorrow? One that's been advertised all over the place for the past three weeks?
Well, God's in control and I'm not gonna sweat it (especially with the temps outside!). I just wish He'd hurry up with springtime weather here in central Minnesota!
And if you want to pray that the snow would let up; that I'd be able to get to town with no problems tomorrow; that the open house would be a huge success....well, thanks!
Here's a blast from the past showing lots of snow...

Just keep your snow to yourself! Dad planted pepper and tomato seeds today and we have them outside in our WARM weather. We'll keep you in our prayers. Be careful driving. Love you
Lin, I'll pray for you! I know you've done a lot of preparation for this open house. Hope all goes well!
oh,it didn't go well...lots of preparation, Tony had me drive the truck in while following in the van so I wouldn't get stuck in the snow; I had two outside customers, one of which waxed eloquently to a hotel guest who in turn came in and bought a bunch of stuff and then the desk clerk. But the two large purchases I had (two large, two small) are potential long-term big purchasing customers, so....
Disappointing, but who knows in the long run?
Oh Lin!! I'm sooo sorry that the numbers were small, but yes, hopefully the long run will show good results! I'm disappointed for you. :( Now I'll just pray that those customers will be long term customers!
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